10U & 11U "D" Team Information
Our "D" team(s) are what we consider a developmental group of players just learning the sport of volleyball. Players consist of girls in the 10U-11U age bracket.
There are NO tryouts for players at this level. If a player at this age level feels ready to tryout for a 12U team and play at a more competitive level, they are welcome to do so (view tryout info).
D team(s) are limited to 10-12 players. Team(s) will practice 1X/week at Cambridge Middle School, typically on Fridays after school, and participate in 4 weekend playdates.
All players will receive a uniform jersey and a practice t-shirt.
Cost for the season is $400. Payment is DUE by 11/18/2024. This payment can be made online, cash, or check. Please reference the player's name in the comment section when making your payment online. Checks should be made out to:
CI Spikers Junior Volleyball.​
Payments can be made easily when you register online or at the Parent/Player meeting being held on November 18 beginning at 6:30 PM at Isanti Middle School cafeteria. All parents and players should plan on attending this meeting to learn more about the season and to answer any questions.
We will only allow 10-12 players/team. So sign up quickly to guarantee a spot. The number of teams will depend on the number of players signing up. If 15 players sign up, only the first 12 registered and paid will be placed on a team. In 2024, we had two D teams, and turned away 4 players. We will notify you by email confirming your daughter's registration and further details about the Parent/Player meeting.
​​Practices will begin the first week in December. If the number of players warrant creating multiple teams, this will be done after a few practices. The season will finish at the end of March.
Required forms that need to be completed by the first practice!